Plumber inspecting pipes

Common Commercial Plumbing Problems and How to Avoid Them

Commercial Plumbing problems faced by business buildings can lead to significant disruptions if not properly managed. At HMM, we understand the importance of keeping your plumbing systems in optimum condition and are on hand to deal with your plumbing maintenance and plumbing emergencies across Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire!


We’ve identified some of the common plumbing problems in commercial buildings and offer tips on prevention and early detection so you can keep your business running smoothly.


Common Commercial Plumbing Problems

1. Plumbing Leaks

Leaks are a prevalent plumbing issue in commercial buildings, especially those of a certain age, often originating from worn-out pipes, loose connections, or damaged fixtures. Even a minor leak can cause extensive water damage and lead to higher utility bills – not to mention the cost of putting the unsightly stain right!


What can you do to prevent leaks?

– Conduct routine inspections to identify and repair leaks before they escalate.

– Invest in high-quality fixtures and fittings to reduce the likelihood of leaks.

– Monitor and maintain appropriate water pressure to prevent strain on pipes.


2. Pipe Blockages

Another nasty plumbing nightmare, blockages can occur in sinks, toilets, and drains, causing backups and potential flooding. These are often caused by the accumulation of debris, grease, and foreign objects. There is however a few things you can do to keep your pipes flowing.


Blockage Prevention Top Tips

– Educate staff on proper disposal methods for waste to prevent clogs.

– Use drain covers to catch debris and prevent it from entering the plumbing system.

– Schedule regular cleaning of drains and pipes to remove buildup.




3. Boiler Failures

A broken-down boiler in a commercial building can disrupt heating and hot water supply, affecting both operations and comfort of your staff – especially in the colder months. By law, employers have a ‘duty of care’ to make sure working temperatures are reasonable for their staff, so it’s important to maintain an efficient, working boiler. Common causes can include age, poor maintenance, and pressure issues.


How to Avoid Boiler Breakdowns

– Ensure boilers are serviced regularly by qualified professionals.

– Keep an eye on boiler pressure levels and address any fluctuations immediately.

– Replace old boilers before they become prone to failures. It may be more cost efficient to replace than repair.


Early Plumbing Problem Detection and Prevention

Preventive measures and early detection are crucial in mitigating plumbing issues, and saving you costs in the long run. At HMM, we offer a comprehensive Planned Preventative Maintenance (or PPM for short) service tailored to your business needs so you’re not left with a drain on your time and finances!

Our PPM service includes:


– Scheduled checks of all plumbing systems to identify potential issues early.

– Regular upkeep of pipes, fixtures, and boilers to prevent breakdowns.

– Thorough reports outlining the condition of your plumbing systems and recommended actions.




When Plumbing Disaster Strikes

Despite the best preventive measures, emergencies can still occur. When disaster strikes, HMM is here to help with our 24-hour call-out service. Whether it’s a burst pipe, severe blockage, boiler failure or something else, our team of experienced plumbers is available around the clock to provide swift and effective solutions.


Addressing common plumbing problems proactively can save your business time, money, and inconvenience. You can rely on our expertise and dedication to keeping your plumbing systems running smoothly. Contact us today to learn more about our Planned Preventative Maintenance Service and how we can help safeguard your commercial property against plumbing issues.


For emergency assistance, don’t hesitate to call our 24-hour call-out service on 01782 630656.